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Cedric Kharon is a descendant of the Hethe. While his origins mark him as the child of the Prime Evil, Cedric does not affiliate himself with any side in the Arkn-Dekn War.

Following the Battle of the Arknza, Cedric transfers over to Universe X, where he is made a full Hethe. He becomes unofficial head of the new four-member pantheon, under the name "Ced'ric".

Universe A


Much of Cedric's backstory is a mystery. It is unknown how he came into being, though it is speculated that De'ebo (and possibly Cre'vial) had a hand in his creation.

According to legend, Cre'vial had challenged Edgar Kharon to a game of chess. If Edgar won, he would become a Hethe himself; if he lost, however, his legend would be wiped from memory. The game lasted for four eternities, until the human outlaw emerged victorious. The enraged Cre'vial prepared to strike him down. De'ebo intervened, however, and promised to make Edgar one of what they were. This turned out to be a trick, however: instead of turning Edgar into a Hethe, De'ebo crafted from darkness a child-sized being. Edgar promised to raise it, and was allowed entrance into a realm created by one of the beings. Here, he raised the child, Cedric, as his own son until his death years later.

It is hinted that Cedric befriended Azrael the Arknangel at some point; whatever happened to break that bond has not been revealed.

The Logs of Cedric Kharon

Cedric's journey is recounted in No More Truths. His journey expands over the course of two eternities, during which he travels throughout the bizarre realm of The Beyond, interacts with numerous figures (including The Carver and The Knight), and befriends The Jester and Malek. His journey also takes him to Elysia, where he witnesses the activation of Void Web (with his own blood acting as a catalyst). 

The Battle of the Arknza

Towards the end of the Battle, Cedric arrives with Malek and The Jester as the Carver is mortally wounded. De'ebo appears and resurrects Carver at full power; he commands him to kill the trio, promising that if he succeeds, he will be raised up to a true Hethe. De'ebo possesses Carver and fights the three. Much to De'ebo's surprise, Cedric and his allies are able to successfully fight him off (though not without Malek being stabbed by Carver-Deebo and absorbed into his weapon). De'ebo is so impressed by their efforts that he halts the fight, splitting from Carver and congratulating Cedric and Jester. In return, he asks Cedric to join him among the Hethe pantheon. Cedric agrees, under the condition that Ellpagg is revived, which he is.

After the battle, Cedric moves over into the new Universe X, watching over its formation with De'ebo, Fab'ras, and Ellpagg (now a full Hethe himself).

Universe X

Cedric's journey continues on past the end of Universe A, and on into the new existence. As the head of the new Hethe pantheon, Ced'ric (as he is known) has the most power of any member, having seemingly retained some of his powers from the old universe. Unfortunately, as he is now a mature Hethe, he has also grown into their evil disposition, and shows little of the helpful and altruistic behavior of his past life.

The Arkn and Dekn regard Ced'ric as a fearful trickster god of chaos and ambition. Those who enter into risky ventures often pray to him and make offerings in his name, and it is common practice to wear an item in his signature color (orange) or jewelry bearing his symbol (two perfectly round circles) for good luck. Pranksters and comedians often invoke his name (as did court jesters, in the early days).

Appearance & Personality

Cedric initially has the appearance of a dark, smokey (though tangible) being, with bright, glowing orange eyes set in his head. It is unknown whether he retains this appearance as a full Hethe.

As a young Hethe, Cedric lacks the malicious nature of his race, being kind, curious, and helpful. Once he becomes a full Hethe in Universe X, however, he apparently loses his innocence and beings craving the chaos and darkness of his forbears.


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