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Magic (or Magick) is the supernatural process by which certain beings in Universe X can manipulate the world around them. Arkn, Dekn, Risen, half-breeds, and Humans are all able to practice magic in some form. Magic falls under two categories: Ethrial Manipulation (which is aura-based), and Siy-(sigil) based. Only Arkn-blooded individuals can practice Ethrical Magic, while Siy can be utilized by all of the humanoid races (provided they have a ready source of ethric energy).

Note: The Silulic Manipulation ability practiced by the Dekn is not regarded as a type of magic.


The Origin of Ethri

During the creation of .Mainframe, an emptied-out .Reality core was used to create a connection between the base and the universe on top of it. A split was created in the core to allow for the universe to be boxed in. This split was taken over by Fab'rasi, becoming known as The Source; here, Fab'rasi expelled the last of its power, creating a being known as Tatsuonga: the source of all ethri.

The Arkn (whose development was guided by Fab'rasi) evolved to have ethric properties in their blood; this granted them direct access to ethric power, which took the form of an aura, as well as a connection to Tatsuonga. As Arkn society evolved, a nobleman named Aluca'ard Irinith began experimenting with ethri and Ethric channeling during the Second Age; his discoveries led him to write a series of books (often referred to as The Natural Tomes) on the properties of ethri and how to use it. These books educated many an Arkn, and in time, a class of magic experts known as magi arose. However, the Arkn remained unaware of the full capabilities of ethri.

The Discovery of Siy

In the Third Age of the Lathrym, the first humans from U.M.E.E.C. arrived in the Elevrium, crash landing in the Galliptis. Deep within the desert, the humans discovered (among other things) a mysterious relic; this device enabled the user to see the creational blueprints (or Siy) of the world around them. The Dekn began to catalog and study the newly-discovered Siy. However, they were unsure of what to do with this knowledge at the time. In their quest to uncover more Siy, the humans discovered a portal to the Empyrium; shortly thereafter, they, and the Dekn, made contact with the Arkn, and the races established trade. In this way, the Arkn learned about (and acquired) Siy themselves.

The Arkn discovered that they could use the ethri in their bodies to charge Siy; after priming the Siy with their intent turning them into active sigils. (It was also realized that they had unwittingly been using the Siy for floating in order to fly). Through trial and error, a group of Arkn scientists and magi discovered that the basic elemental Siy could be combined with simple representations of one's intent, as well as other Siy, to create a wide variety of effects. These discoveries led to the birth of a new school of magic, known as Siy Magick. The Dekn realized that they lacked the ethric blood of the Arkn, and as such were unable to channel ethri naturally. However, they could still create Siy, prime them (by using their mental powers to signal their intent to Tatsuonga), and power them up using the ethric charge held in Rethryc crystals. Similarly, humans were unable to channel ethri, but could still connect with the Tatsuonga, create and prime Siy, and charge the resulting sigils with an external power source.

Unfortunately, viable Rethryc crystals (i.e. Rethrycs holding an ethric charge) could only be found in the Empyrium, the Arkn home realm. When the Dekn attempted to create artificial Rethrycs, they found that they failed to hold an Ethric charge, and shattered on contact with the energy. The demand for Rethrycs, along with ownership of the Siy relic (which the Arkn wanted to map out new Siy), became a source of great tension between the Arkn and the Dekn, and eventually led to the war between the races. Despite this, the Arkn were able (in time) to fully map out the Siy of the Empyrium and learn to use them. Humans, meanwhile, developed special U.M.E.E.C. technology (powered by Rethryc crystals) that allowed them to charge Siy and mimic some of the powers of the Arkn (and the Dekn).

Ethrial Manipulation

Arkn in Universe X are able to channel the Ethri in their blood and charge it, creating an aura. An Arkn's aura can be used to produce various effects: a process known as Ethrial Manipulation. Through Ethrial Manipulation, an aura can:

  • Create functioning wing-like manifestations. (Limited to Lathrym).
  • Be used as a limited third (and sometimes, fourth) appendage, which can lift or move objects to the extent of the user's strength.
  • Be channeled into a force that can be shot from a sigil (similar to an ethric "harpoon").

All beings with Arkn blood can channel ethri raw (i.e. from an external source). The temporary aura produced by this method is less powerful, and doesn't have the same capabilities; for this reason, Arkn half-bloods — who are only able to channel ethri raw — cannot reach the power of a full-blooded Arkn. A raw ethric aura can:

  • Restore lost cells on a wound to create a healing effect. (To an extent — limbs cannot be regrown.)
  • Generate heat rays (i.e. create a beam hot enough to burn something by focusing, condensing, and generating friction).
  • Create a form of bright light by charging one's Ethri (to an extent). This can cause the aura to show off a color on the visible spectrum.

Siy-Based Magic

Everything in the universe has its own blueprint within creation: a unique line or curve, known as a Siy. The Siy serve as the base for sigils, through which one can harness the power of the physical world. Using a basic elemental Siy, one can create a personalized symbol to represent what they need the sigil to do. For example, using a Fire Siy and surrounding it with a doodle of a bonfire makes a sigil, which creates a bonfire effect when activated. This will work with any base symbol, to an extent; if drawing an exact representation proves too difficult, words can be implemented or hidden in the sigil as well. (The language of the words does not matter, as one's intent is the key.) Many Arkn and Dekn have dozens of Siy memorized by heart, similar to an alphabet.

Once a sigil is generated, it must be "primed" (given meaning). This is accomplished by tapping into Tatsuonga, via focusing thoughts of one's intent towards the being (similar to a prayer). After the sigil is primed, it must be charged before it can be activated. Arkn and Risen can charge sigils directly by channeling the Ethri in their blood. Dekn, however, cannot channel Ethri, and must charge the sigil using ethric or rethyc crystals. Similarly, humans can draw sigils and prime them by connecting to Tatsuonga, but cannot charge unless they have access to an external source of ethric energy.

Elemental Siy

There are six basic elemental Siy:

  • Fire: The Siy for Fire will allow one to channel a basic flame.
  • Water: The Siy for Water will allow one to create basic water from a sigil.
  • Earth: The Siy for Earth will allow one to create earthly elements when specified (i.e. dirt, sand, clay, stone).
  • Air: The Siy for Air will allow one to generate air, which can be simplified into gaseous elements.
  • Power: The Siy for Power allows one to generate electricity from the sigil at the extent of its charge.
  • Force: The Siy for Force allows one to generate a push or pull from or into the sigil.

These Siy can be combined for a wide variety of effects. For example, one can draw a Siy for Water, draw a snake, add a Power Siy along with an outward arrow and a Force Siy, and when activated a large electrified water serpent will shoot outward from the sigil.)

In addition:

  • Elemental effects from a Siy will not harm the user.
  • Living creations can not be summoned from a sigil; for example, you can not have a sigil create a living cat, or a human.
  • Food items and other fabricated objects (such as money or clothing) cannot be created, as they are restricted directly by the Ethric Mind.
  • Ethri or any form of it cannot be created using a sigil.

Ythian Siy

The Ythen can apply specialized Siy to an Arkn or Dekn, which only they can use. These sigils can only be granted to an Arkn or a Dekn directly by the Ythen.

  • Transmogrification: Transmogrification (or Transmorg) grants an object the appearance of another object. This can be done by drawing a base sigil representing an existing object, combined with one for the object meant to be transmogged. (Ex: a Siy for a crystal, combined with the Siy for a rock in sigil format and charged, would give the crystal the appearance and properties of the rock while still remaining a crystal.)
  • Transmutation: This Siy is used to provide Arkn and Dekn with a human appearance (usually prior to entering a Seed). As with transmogs, this Siy is granted specifically by the Ythen, and is set in stone (i.e. unable to be altered or manipulated). As with transmogged objects, the Arkn or Dekn retains their own qualities and abilities (save for the Arkn ability to create wings). These forms can be taken away by de-charging the sigil.

In addition:

  • When transmogging something new, that new form cannot be altered, or it will break. (Example: if a rock transmogged into a tree, breaking off a leaf on the tree will break the form and it will return to a rock.)
  • When using a Transmutation Siy, an Arkn or Dekn can create a unique appearance, copy a (previously) existing person's entire appearance, or create a mash-up of different peoples' features. (For example, an Arkn or Dekn might have the body of Person A, the face of Person B, and the eyes and hair of Person C.) Taking on the appearance of a currently living (or recently deceased) person is prohibited in that individual's Seed.
  • Transmutation sigils typically appear on the user as a tattoo-like marking. While many Arkn and Dekn choose to hide their markings, others incorporate them into their human appearance. (Miran'khai, for example, often incorporate their transmute sigils into their gang tattoos.)

Notes and Trivia

  • There are a number of differences from how Magic (or Magick) operates in Universe A:
    • Universe X magic does not use Strings. While the Arkn naturally possess Ethri and can channel it, they (like anyone else) must connect to the Ethric Mind in order to create a working magic sigil.
    • Any being with access to a source of Ethri is able to utilize sigil-based magic.
    • Both Arkn and Dekn can no longer teleport. However, Arkn can use a relocation sigil, which allows them to portal to other locations where they have placed the corresponding relocation sigil. Dekn cannot use relocation sigils (because of the Aura requirement), and must use specialized U.M.E.E.C. technology to achieve the same effect.
    • Arkn and Dekn cannot possess human bodies directly of their own accord. Instead, they use Transmutation Siy to grant themselves customized human appearances in Ersis. However, both Arkn and Dekn still have various means by which they can control the bodies of humans:
      • Arkn can use specialized Ythen-granted sigils to "relocate" directly into the body of a human, basically wearing the human as a "meat suit". During these episodes, the human host may be aware of what is happening, but unable to control their actions. However, the human's mind can be subdued by the Arkn and put into a dream-like state. (This is standard practice, as it prevents the host from discovering the identity of the Arkn and "outing" the existence of Arkn to the general public.)
      • Some especially powerful Dekn have been able to fully overload a person’s brain with their powers, taking full control of their body. Maintaining complete control requires a great deal of effort; as such, few Dekn can do so, let alone for very long. As with the Arkn, revealing one's true identity to the public, abusing one's control over a human, or acting in such a way that alters the timeline of a healthy Seed (i.e. anything that could make it an Outlier) during these sessions is strictly forbidden.